This is the lesson from 2014-02-09. Time was short because of a church function, so I only got 10 minutes to teach. We concentrated on fulfillment of prophecy and the finality of Jesus’s work on the cross.
Pilate’s poke at the Jews
- READ 19:17–22
- Opinion question: Why did Pilate write “The King Of The Jews”? (Because the leaders of the Jews had said “We have no king but C{}sar,” and he was taking them at their word.
Soldiers gamble for Jesus’s clothes
- READ 19:23–24
- All the way through the rest of this chapter, John wants to make sure to connect the crucifixion to prophecies.
- READ Psalm 22:18
Jesus sees that his mother is cared for
- READ 19:25–27
- John was the one who cared for her.
- Why not Jesus’s brothers? We don’t know.
Jesus dies
- READ 19:28–29
- Jesus is thirsty, dehydrated, so the thing they give him to drink fulfills prophecy.
- READ Psalm 69:21
- READ 19:30
- It is finished. ASK What was finished? (All the wrath of God for sin.)
- This is how we were saved. Remember the song we sing sometimes: “Till on the cross where Jesus died the wrath of God was satisfied.”
- READ Romans 6:10
- READ Hebrews 7:27
- READ Hebrews 9:12
- READ Hebrews 10:10
When Jesus said finished, he meant finished.
- READ 19:31–37
- Prophecy fulfillment keeps rolling in even after Jesus dies.
- READ Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12 about the passover lamb.
- We know it was about Jesus because of 1 Corinthians 5:7
Jesus is buried
- READ 19:38–42
- ASK Jesus was crucified between 2 thieves. Normally when a criminal was crucified, his body was thrown on the burning trash heap. But what happened to Jesus’s body? (Buried in a rich man’s tomb.)
- This fulfilled even more prophecy. READ Isaiah 53:9.
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